
Mediation is a process by which parties resolve their disputes with the help of a neutral third party, the Mediator, who helps parties reach a mutually agreed upon settlement of the legal issues between them. The mediator helps facilitate discussions leading to settlement with thorough and frank conversations with and between the parties . This allows the mediator to uncover not just the obvious issues but also the hidden ones that may be driving the dispute. Through frank discussions with the parties, they feel “heard”. It allows them the opportunity to play a significant, and meaningful, role in resolving their dispute. Even if a case doesn’t settle during the mediation, it often settles later as a result of the groundwork that was laid at the mediation. Parties can appear alone or with their legal counsel.

Mediation is not just for cases that are pending in court. Mediation can occur even before anyone files a lawsuit. Mediation allows the parties an opportunity to avoid the expensive time loss, financial expense and emotional stress that accompanies litigation. And given that one can never guarantee how a court or jury will rule on a case, mediation helps the parties avoid the risk of a windfall verdict, or, a verdict denying any liability at all. Finally, mediated agreements are usually honored completely because the parties are the ones who make them, not their attorneys or a judge.

Cynthia Wellbrock is a Certified Mediator with extensive experience as a mediator, and she has facilitated the successful settlements of a wide variety of matters, including:

  • workplace harassment and discrimination
  • wage and hour issues
  • commission disputes
  • disability discrimination and reasonable accommodation issues
  • landlord/tenant matters
  • resolved a dispute over the disbursement of a six figure settlement between parties of a multi-plaintiff lawsuit
  • breach of contract disputes
  • property line dispute
  • consumer fraud

Workplace Conflict Resolution

At times employers and managers are at their wits end because some of their employees are engaged in personal conflicts that are damaging morale of everyone around them. This conflict causes lower productivity leading to less profits. Finally, these conflicts are often left un-addressed and spur employees to just quit in frustration, leading to the hidden costs of employee turnover.

Cynthia Wellbrock has had much success in assisting employees who are in conflict to air and resolve their dispute through a Conflict Resolution process, which is very similar to a mediation. During this process the employees are encouraged to speak freely concerning their issues concerning their co-workers. Through careful guidance, Ms. Wellbrock will coach the parties to find a mutually agreeable solution to their differences, and, come up with a plan going forward for resolving any future conflicts that may arise. In this way, the employees feel “heard” and “empowered” concerning their work situation and equipped for speedy resolution of matters in the future. This improves employee morale and productivity, and reduces expensive turnover.

Please call Cynthia Wellbrock when you need a mediator for any dispute, or for a Conflict Resolution process between your employees. Please call 303-785-7783 or e.mail at